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Configure Cisco IOS Anyconnect IKEv2 VPN with Local accounts and SSL Certificates

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Configuring the Cisco Router

Here is how you can configure your Cisco ISR router to use real SSL certificates instead of self-signed.

  1. Define an RSA key of 2048bit length
    crypto key generate rsa label Synergy.Key modulus 2048

    Create RSA 2048bit key on the Cisco router

  2. Create a trustpoint
    crypto pki trustpoint synergy.trustpointenrollment terminal
    fqdn xxx.yourdomain.com.au
    subject-name CN=xxx.yourdomain.com.au,OU=IT,O=IT Networks,C=AU,ST=Vic
    revocation-check crl
    rsakeypair Synergy.Key 2048

    Create a Trustpoint

  3. Generate the Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
    crypto ca enroll synergy.trustpointCreate a Certificate Signing Request
  4. Go and purchase an SSL Certificate, provide the CSR from above.
  5. Once the Certificate has been approved, we need to import the ‘Intermediate’ first.
    crypto ca authenticate synergy.trustpointImport Intermediate Certificate
  6. Now import the actual SSL Certificate
    crypto ca import synergy.trustpoint certificateImport SSL Certificate
  7. Configure Authentication Authorisation and Accounting (AAA)
    aaa new-model
    aaa authentication login a-eap-authen-local local
    aaa authorization network a-eap-author-grp local
  8. Create an IP Pool for VPN users
    ip local pool ACPOOL

    Note: Use an uncommon IP block

    crypto ikev2 authorization policy ikev2-auth-policy
    pool ACPOOL

    Note: Your Internal DNS Server

  9. Configure the IKEv2 Proposal & Policy
    crypto ikev2 proposal Anyconnect-proposal
    encryption aes-cbc-256
    integrity sha256
    group 14
    crypto ikev2 policy Anyconnect-policy
    proposal Anyconnect-proposal
    crypto ikev2 profile AnyConnect-EAP
    match identity remote key-id *$AnyConnectClient$*
    authentication local rsa-sig
    authentication remote anyconnect-eap aggregate
    pki trustpoint synergy.trustpoint  << The trustpoint from earlier
    aaa authentication anyconnect-eap a-eap-authen-local
    aaa authorization group anyconnect-eap list a-eap-author-grp ikev2-auth-policy
    aaa authorization user anyconnect-eap cached
    virtual-template 100
    anyconnect profile acvpn
  10. Configure encryption
    crypto ipsec transform-set TS esp-aes 256 esp-sha256-hmac
    mode tunnel
    crypto ipsec profile AnyConnect-EAP
    set transform-set TS
    set ikev2-profile AnyConnect-EAP
  11. Configure your interfaces
    interface loopback100
    ip address
    interface Virtual-Template100 type tunnel
    ip unnumbered Loopback100
    ip mtu 1400
    tunnel mode ipsec ipv4
    tunnel protection ipsec profile AnyConnect-EAP
  12. Create an AnyConnect XML profile as per the image settings below:
    VPN Profile CreatorVPN profile Creator Host
  13. Save the XML file as acvpn.xml and upload this to the router’s bootflash
  14. Define the VPN profile
    crypto vpn anyconnect profile acvpn bootflash:/acvpn.xml
  15. Open up Cisco AnyConnect on your test computer, and connect to the VPN service.
    Please note this configuration will route all traffic via the VPN. If you want to specify traffic you will need to create a split tunnel config such as:
    ip access-list standard split_tunnel
    crypto ikev2 authorization policy ikev2-auth-policy
    route set access-list split_tunnel

As always please feel free to reach out if you need assistance with this.

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