Genie & Gentu
If you are currently using Genie in your Medical Practice you will probably have a Server sitting somewhere in your office. You have probably read on the Genie Solutions website that their Cloud version called Gentu is available. Being a cautious Practice Manager, you don’t want to move directly to the Cloud just yet, however you know you need to get rid of your old and slow Server sitting in the corner.
How do you go about getting rid of the server but still continue to use Genie Desktop? Well you have come to the right place, keep reading!
Lets be clear, its the year 2021 you don’t need to be running a Server. You are better off focusing on your Medical Practice then running a data center (Microsoft/Google run data centers).
The Solution is simple and straight forward, migrate your existing servers to Microsoft Azure. We have done this for Medical Practices just like yours, with no downtime!
So how does it work?
Here is how running Genie Server currently works:
When your staff opens Genie from their computer, a connection is made in the background to the Server and Genie opens on their desktop. However over the weekend, you experience:
- Getting robbed, and they took your entire Server
- The practice was flooded, and the entire office is soggy.
- An electrical surge occurred, and now the Server is melted.
The Solution
Here is how it will continue to work, once you get rid of your Server:
When your staff opens Genie from their computer, a connection is made in the background to the Microsoft Azure Cloud Server and Genie opens on their desktop.
As you can see it is pretty painless and an easy transition. There is no reason to run a 1990’s Server data center in your practice. It is time to modernise and move with the future.