Digital speed is critical to any business, particularly with video conferencing requiring improved line speeds for reliable and effective meetings.
Fully installed and monitored, 24 x 7, it delivers up to 100 Mbps
All this for only $299 plus GST, including onsite installation of the router and connection to the Business Grade NBN service.
Terms and Conditions:
1. The offer is valid to customers that are in an NBN serviceable location. IT Networks will qualify your address as part of this offer.
2. The offer is based on a minimum 12 month commitment with early termination fees applicable.
3. The NBN Service is a business grade SLA service with a TC4 commitment at 100 Mbps and unlimited data.
4. The Cisco router is a C1100 Integrated Services router with the specific model to match the NBN access method at your premises.
5. Installation will take place at your premises and will be deemed functional once Internet access is accessible on a single device connected to the router.
Please note that this offer is available only for companies with a listed ABN and who are registered for GST.
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